Yawp Mag ISSUE 21: Producers of Comedy | Page 19

ing: Larry David Along with the Seinfeld gang there were many bit players. The main antagonist that is Newman, the postal worker down the hall portrayed by Wayne Knight. He is Jerry’s Lex Luthor to Superman. Topics came from everywhere to include all characters. ‘The anti-dentite’, ‘the close talker’, ‘the bubble boy’, ‘the face painter’ and ‘the yada, yada, yada’ to name but a few. Jerry, Kramer and George each had an alias. Kel Varnsen, H.E. Pennypacker (a wealthy industrialist, philanthropist and bicyclist) and of course the one and only, Art Vandelay of Vandelay Industries. The producing team of Larry and Jerry created a healthy atmosphere that allowed the actors to get the best out of themselves, allowing the audience to view the best sitcom produced. After Seinfeld said goodbye, or in bizarro world, badbye, Larry David went on to create, produce and star in his next venture in to the comedy world. Larry would leave the television network NBC and take his sitcom ‘Curb your Enthusiasm’ to HBO. A different audience and a different network brought the misunderstood, victim of circumstance Larry David the human being to our screens. The real George Constanza. ‘Curb’ as it was affectionately known was produced and written in such a unique style. Larry would have a story outline for each show. A cast of real and fictional characters are given scene outlines and they improvise as the cameras roll. Ubiquitously. The series centres around Larry as a semi retired television writer and producer. Larry manages to find the most trivial details in most people’s day to day life and make us laugh. He finds those around him to be rather annoying having certain social expectations that people should adhere too. Unlike most people however, Larry expresses what we’re all thinking. Finding himself in many an awkward situation. Going eyeball to eyeball in many disagreements. ‘Curb’ and ‘Seinfeld’ are amazingly produced sit-coms. The different audiences allowed Larry David to take his talent, ideas a