Yawp Mag ISSUE 21: Producers of Comedy | Page 13

When it comes to producing a successful show, running ‘Puggs in Space’ and producing a comedian’s show are a bit different: “with the room, I have more control over it. We just make all the choices ourselves and just go, ‘these are the people we want to see, this is the venue, let’s just get some stuff in here and make sure the show goes well’. Whereas I guess with main challenge is to get your act to stand out”. She also points out that having a good venue is very important, having been to shows whose venues appear to have been “knocked up just that afternoon seemingly”. She also notes the importance of having a bar so that people can drink and making sure that there’s no interference in the form of noise or distractions. Dib insists that the most important aspect of a good venue is the people that run it, saying that the managers of The Imperial where she runs her weekly comedy room are “awesome”. “They are so good to us, they trust us with their venue implicitly, which is really cool, because we’ve built such a good relationship with these people. They like us because we bring heaps of people and money to their venue, so they’ve said ‘we like you, do what you like!’ It’s nice to have people that aren’t going to harass us to clean up a tissue She adds that having good sound is a very important indicator of a decent venue, “I went to a gig where there was just this very noticeable, expect apparently to the act, high-pitched squeal that seemed to come out of the speakers and the act didn’t notice this until pretty much the end of the show. And no one wanted to tell them”. She advises comedians and producers to always do a trial show and tech run-through to make sure that your sound and lights are good. When it comes to the future of ‘Puggs in Space’, Dib exclaims that “it would be great to just keep doing it! I guess we just want to keep making it better and better, more different and more interesting, so that people want to come!” Puggs in Space is a free room that runs every Tuesday evening at 8pm at the Imperial Hotel.