By Stef Jaric
As comedy fans we all love a well executed comedy sketch. Sometimes when we see a really good one, we might try to relate its hilarity to
our friends by attempting to act it out. The re-enactment may get a few laughs, but often it’s just a kind smile. It’s then we realise there is much
more to the art of sketch comedy than just the written sketch itself. So why is that? What is it about a well executed comedy sketch that
allows it to live on in our minds for decades to come?
If you’ve been a fan of numerous sketch comedians and TV Sketch shows over the years, you’ll have your favourite sketches that you can
recall word for word. But what is it that makes a sketch a famous one? Why does it stand out from the other hundreds of hours of sketches
you’ve watched? What is the elusive ingredient that propels sketches to a notable status?
A sketch is very different to the usual stand-up form of comedy. The stand-up formula comprises of observational humour, story telling and
basic set-up & punch-line jokes.
Similarly, the structure of the typical comedy sketch can also be broken down to a basic four-step formula:
•The Set Up – Introduction of the Characters, the situation, setting & objective.
•Introducing the Conflict – A hurdle arises for the characters to deal with.
•Exploring the Conflict – The characters deal with the conflict as best they can.
•Resolving the Conflict – Resolve the conflict and bring the sketch to a close.
Most sketches tend to stick to this framework, however loosely.
So let’s look back at some notable comedy sketches from years gone by to see what makes them tick, what is it that keeps them at the
forefront of our memory, for years afterwards?
Geoff & Terry Home Cladding Sketch – ‘The Late Show’, ABC TV, 1992
‘The Late Show’ ran on Australian TV screens on ABC Television during 1992-1993, and is still fondly remembered by many comedy fans
One of the stand-out sketches was the ‘Geoff & Terry Home Cladding’ Sketch. The sketch starts off innocently enough. Geoff & Terry are
budding entrepreneurs who’ve been given the chance to talk about their new home-cladding product on a home-improvement show
hosted by the interviewer, Jane. From the sketch formula, the sketch has been ‘Set Up’, the characters are introduced, the setting is a TVinterview & the objective of gaining publicity for the home-cladding is obvious.
So what makes this sketch remarkable? Could it be that the sketch wastes no time, and immediately after the set-up, the ‘conflict’ starts? As
the interview begins, it becomes quickly apparent that Geoff & Terry’s complete inability to sell their product is only matched by the
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