Deputy Cultural and Entertainment Affairs Chairperson
Craig Hitchman
Interviewed by Sasheena Lynch
I am a past student of Holmwood Technical and Knox
College. I’m currently a 2nd year student the University at the West Indies with a major in Accounting.
Presently I hold the position of Culture and Entertainment Chairperson for Rex Netterford Hall, I foster the
hosting of cultural and entertainment events.
Craig Hitchman
Deputy Cultural and Entertainment Affairs
Rex Nettleford Hall
What led you to run for CEAC?
I have a always had a passion for planning events. I
had assisted the previous committee and I saw where
I could enhance the named position and correct there
promotional mistakes.
How long have you been promoting events (before
gaining your position or just since)?
Before (smiles) since I was a student of Knox. So for
about 3 years now. In college I planned and promoted
parties and they were successful as well, I guess I always had both a entertainment side and a student side.
Give me a list of events that you have promoted?
Swipe, Uber Couture Fashion Show, Jazz and Blues,
and Bachelor Chef Cook-Out (food is love). Also have
a few upcoming events for the new semester.
Tell me which party that you have promoted has been
the best (both in the turn out and music). Is there a
Best party easily was Swipe. Worst? Well that was in
my days at Knox this after exam house party; think we
called it Stress Relief.
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