xuexi-27 | Page 55

Parent Perspective first day when we visited and especially our second day when we had our interview with Julie . We all remember , the boys too . My boys are quite shy with strangers , but when we were in Julie ’ s the boys were already so comfortable and drawing all over the whiteboard , I think because everyone in the school was friendly and kind . I remember one of the boys said after that , “ okay , I ’ ll come tomorrow !”
孩子们来到这里时都还在读幼儿园 , 一转眼都已经长大成人了 。 我每次想起两个孩子第一次来 BCIS 面试时的情景都觉得很有意思 。 他们两个来面试的时候都很害羞 , 但是 Julie 和学校的其他老师都很 友善 、 很绅士 , 这让他们的面试过程变得很舒服 。 面试结束后 , 孩子 们立刻和我说 :“ 明天我就要来这上学 !”
在我的大儿子选择创思课程的时候 , 说实话当时我对这个课程还 是抱有犹豫的态度的 , 那时对创思课程的了解还停留在表面 。 真正理 解什么是创思课程 , 是在 Pierce 完成第一个大学申请面试的时候 。 我开始意识到创思课程所学的知识 、 完成个人项目的每一个步骤 , 都 是在帮助 Pierce 一步步实现自己的戏剧梦想 。
但是当 Josh 也想选择创思课程时我又有些犹豫 , 因为他的自我 规划能力不是很强 , 我不知道他能否顺利完成课程的要求 。 但我也知 道 , 创思课程会给热爱音乐的 Josh 创造很多学习的机会 。 但是我和 Megan 老师进行了沟通 , 并且询问了身边很多人的意见 , 我觉得创 思课程是更加适合 Josh 的 , 我们便决定了要学这个课程 。 后来的事 实证明 , 我们的选择是对的 , Josh 的自我规划能力在这两年中得到 了非常大的提高 。
Both of your children are IDEATE students . What are your thoughts on IDEATE ?
您的两个孩子都选择了学习创思课程 ( IDEATE ), 对于这 个课程您怎么看 ?
For you and your husband , what is your educational philosophy ?
对于孩子的教育 , 您和您先生的教育理念是什么 ?
When Pierce chose IDEATE , to be honest , I was hesitant about the program at the time . My understanding of the program was limited , but when Pierce received his first offer for college , I really understood the purpose of IDEATE . The program is not easy , you have to have a goal and target . I began to understand the process in the program and that it all was helping Pierce realize his dream .
Then when Josh decided to choose IDEATE , I really hesitated , because his self-planning is not so strong . But I also knew that IDEATE would give him the learning opportunities and facilities he needed for Josh who loves music . I asked many people and teachers for their opinions . Then we decided that IDEATE is the better choice for Josh . Now we see that our decision was right for him and Josh has definitely proved his self-management over the past two years .
My husband and I both agree to respect children ’ s choices and give them the room to learn and develop . He would say to me , “ let them go ” and he would encourage us with “ don ’ t let a dream just be a dream , go do it .”
我和我的先生都很赞同要尊重孩子的选择 、 给孩子足够的发展空 间 。 我的先生经常说 :“ 那是他们的梦想 , 就让他们去追寻吧 ! 梦想 就是用来追的呀 !”
How do your sons feel about BCIS ? 您的孩子们对于 BCIS 有怎样的感情 ?
It was the kids own choice to choose BCIS and in fact , they have said that BCIS is their second home . They cherish their BCIS life and love their childhood memories . We haven ’ t really talked about this question , but since Pierce has become an alumni and Josh a senior , they still keep close with the news of
Issue 27