xuexi-27 | Page 54

Xue Xi
A trip down Memory Lane with Karen Lee
与 BCIS 结缘 —— Karen Lee 的 BCIS 社区故事
Documented and composed by Fei Gao & Jing Liu
About your children 关于孩子
Where are your two children currently ? 您的两个孩子最近都在做什么 ?
My older son , Pierce , graduated from BCIS in 2019 and is studying Drama at Columbia College Chicago . But since the pandemic , he has had to cook a lot for himself , which has been an interest for him since grade 6 . Now he wants to be a chef ! He is now planning to attend le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Chicago . My younger son , Josh , will graduate next year and wants to study music . He is hoping to go to Berklee College of Music .
我的大儿子 Pierce 2019 年从 BCIS 毕业 , 之后去了芝加哥哥伦比亚学院学习戏剧专业 。 但是这次的疫情让他重新拾起了小时候的梦想 —— 做一名厨师 ! 他从小就很喜欢吃 , 6 年级 的时候他就说过 :“ 我以后想做一名厨师 ”。 他计划在蓝带国际学院位于芝加哥的学校继续 学习 。
我的小儿子 Josh 明年也要毕业了 , 他想要学音乐方面的专业 , 他最想去的大学是伯克 利音乐学院 , 目前他正在积极申请大学 。
Would you mind please sharing a story or two of their childhood and journey ? 可以分享一些孩子们成长的故事吗 ?
Our boys were both in the ECC when we first came here . I will always remember our