xuexi-27 | Page 51

第三篇 BCIS 十五岁生日快乐 !
时间犹如潺潺流水 , 一旦逝去便不会复返 。 伴随我们的则是值得珍惜的回忆 转眼间 , BCIS 已经陪伴我们十五周年了 。
我们每人都与 BCIS 有着不同的缘分 。 Anna 和 Danika 通过绘制插画讲述了她们 眼中的这份缘分 。 画中有一位翩翩少女在闻名的银杏树下快乐地玩耍 。 这里的女孩象 征着 BCIS 的学生们与 BCIS 大家庭的精神 , 而银杏树则代表了我们与学校共同地成长 。 把两者结合起来 , 我们便能得到 BCIS 大家庭与学校的美好回忆 。 BCIS 就像我们的另 一个家 , 为我们提供了知识与庇护 , 而我们给 BCIS 带来的就是无限的生机与温暖 。
生日快乐 , BCIS , 十五周年庆快乐 !
Time is like a flowing stream of water . It washes away fast , and it never returns . What ’ s left is our beautiful memories . It ’ s been years and years , and here we are , celebrating BCIS ’ s fifteenth anniversary .
We all have different stories with BCIS . As proud members of the China Story EA , Anna and Danika decided to share their BCIS stories through the creation of a visual story - illustration . In the drawing , there is a girl playing under the famous ginkgo tree , reaching her hands out to catch the graceful falling leaf from the tree . Here , the girl represents the students of BCIS and the spirits of the BCIS family , while the tree is a symbol of our growth alongside our beautiful school . The two elements are combined to express our precious memories with BCIS . BCIS is like a home to all of us and an ocean of knowledge and joy . As a part of the BCIS family , we gave the school life and warmth in return .
Happy birthday , BCIS , Happy 15th anniversary !


- Anna Fan ( Grade 8 ), Danika Yu ( Grade 7 )
Issue 27