Xtreme Fat Loss Diet PDF / Meal Plan Recipe Reviews & Free Download | Page 8
You don’t have to remember any of those names, just remember that when leptin
drops, you get seriously hungry.
Despite having a pretty good reason for its reaction, it’s pretty ironic that our
bodies are primed for fat loss at every other time except when we are trying to
burn fat.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could maintain high leptin levels and a body primed for
fat burning while dieting? It would seemingly solve all of our problems.
But in order to do this, we’d have to somehow keep leptin levels high as we
attempt to lose those extra pounds.
So, how about “supplementing” with leptin?
A couple of problems here: First, leptin is a protein based hormone, which
means that it can not be taken orally (otherwise, it would simply be digested). So
that rules out a leptin pill.
This leaves the method of “supplemental” leptin administration to injection. And
leptin injections DO indeed work, reversing the metabolic adaptations to
dieting and “starvation” even while continuing to restrict calories.
In 1996, Ahima et al. used leptin injections to reverse starvation-induced
neuroendrocrine adaptations in mice.
“Well, that’s nice and all, but I’m human.” Point taken; research with rodents
doesn’t always correlate to similar findings in humans, however…
In 1999, Heymsfield et al. performed a double-blind placebo controlled study
analyzing weight loss over a 24-week period in 73 obese humans. Subjects
2010 Joel Marion Fitness Solutions LLC and XtremeFatLossDiet