Magical Black
With that inspiration came expectations, and the proverbial push to chase my dreams; there came a point in time where my confidence grew and at the same time I would constantly remind myself that I am able. From that came the motto “When I grow up, I want to be like me” Years later the thought process has stuck with me. In my professional pursuits, I try to motivate people, especially females to be themselves. I think it’s the best gift that we have. Too often people look to publications, and society to tell them what to be, or how to be; too much emphasis on the thought of “OMG she is beautiful I want to look just like her”. In the end if you really just do you, you will inevitable make a greater contribution to society.
Nak Styles: Let us in a little bit, and speak on the inspiration behind “Magical Black”??
Staci Sherri: If you want the truth, and I don’t tell too many people this but the inspiration was and is actually a cat... The irony is that I am not superstitious, but you know what they say about black cats. I was in the garment district meeting with a client, and as I went through the freight to get to the designer room, low and behold there was a black cat. It was strange to me because there’s just elevators and I am accustomed to not seeing anything else. I myself am a dog lover, but I have to admit that I petrified of this cat. The myths claim that black cats are bad luck, so my guard was heightened even more, as I got closer; its eyes sparkled and I thought to myself ‘here’s something that people fear but in all actually, it is purely beautiful.
Nak Styles: Your usage of the wavy bottom is something that I adore; it took me back to the
me back to the days when I was a little girl and everything that was considered girl ruffles. Was that your intention?
Staci Sherri: lol Yes those are my signature pieces. Prior to being established, I would toy with the idea of using ruffles. The rest of the world has not gotten to see yet, but in my 2013 Spring/Summer collection I am definitely going to reinvent the usage of ruffles. You can count on that from me for Spring 2013. The plan is to preview in September.
Nak Styles: That sounds great, and I will be looking forward to that collection . In terms of the present, you have your signature line in addition to other offerings; how do you separate your signature pieces from the others?
Staci Sherri: The Signature Collection is basically pieces that are very identifiable, and you know are done by Staci Sherri. When you see them, you automatically say to yourself “OMG that’s a Staci Sherri design.” For the most part, my clientele helps me decide what will be included in my signature collection. When I started out I had a vision, and now a lot of people know me by the usage of ruffles. My Spring/Summer 2012 has been in circulation for about a couple of weeks and I am also focused on my Remix Collection, which will consist of customer favorites that have been remixed. For example, everyone asks for the B-day dress; it keeps selling out, so I decided to use the B-day body and execute it with different prints and colors..
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