Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 36

About Lamise Inglis Media

My career in TV began rather unexpectedly and I think that set the tone for the way the last 17 years spent in this industry went.


If I was to give a word of advice to young ladies considering entering this male dominated industry I would say, expect the unexpected and sometimes I would even go as far to say create the unexpected. My 17 year journey was by no means easy but I have to admit it had many proud moments and if I look back critically at those moments they were the hardest, most trying moments which then ended up being the most satisfying ones.

Television, is creative career and works slightly different to the other academic careers. I have seen many young people coming from three or four years of media studies but who were completely lost when they came to work shadow or intern 

with us. This highlighted one important fact, some courses are very theory based and practical, hands on training in this industry was essential. 

I am be no means saying don't study for a degree, but give yourself that edge by doing small practical courses along the way.  Television production sets and companies are busy places, things move quickly so there is very little hand-holding when it comes to work shadow interns. If it comes down to a decision between choosing you or another candidate, where you have a practical understanding of production, that will definitely swing things in your favour. 

So where would one begin. Let's say you have just complete matric and you know you would like to get into TV but not sure where you fit or what you would be good at. Or even those ladies who believe they are the next Charlize Theron and want to be an actor.  I would say, start with a short production course where you will not only get hands-on training but where you will also be exposed to the inner workings of the production industry.

Once you have had a taste I am sure you would be able to make a more informed decision as to what exactly you would like to study. I have seen too many students joining my workshops wanting to be actors and as soon as they are in front of the camera they freeze or during the course they realise they are better at story-boarding or directing. Taking time to test the waters before signing up for that degree can save you a lot of wasted time and money in the long run.

Once you have have found you calling then by all means register for that degree and you 

will be on the right track!

Lamise Inglis

Cell 082 887 1313  | Fax to e mail 086 671 8792

E mail [email protected] 
