Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 31

Does writing your rstblog post terrify you? I remember when I published my first blog post like it was yesterday. It was a terrifying experience especially when self-limi ng belief thoughts starts to flood your mind, giving you all the reasons why you cannot write a blog post. I think we can over complicate things some mes and I think a large part of the problem is how we’ve been pre-condi oned to behave and think in a certain way that suits the status quo. Sadly the result of this is that many of us have unrealised gi s and talents all stored up inside of us just wai ng for an opportunity to come out. A stumbling block I had was wri ng in general. As a child my first language wasn’t always English and all my schooling was in Afrikaans. At the age of 9 I switched over to an all English school which presented numerous challenges for one of them being was wri ng essays and as far as I was concerned I sucked at it. I got my brother to write my essays for me and this meant my wri ng skills were literally non-existent. Years later, I decided to start my own business and my strategy was not to use tradi onal media to market my business but to use social media. This meant I needed to come up with crea ve ways on how I was going to achieve this because constantly pos ng adverts in social networks really puts people off. Be real, if you are not looking at those ads, then don’t expect your customers to look at yours. One of the ways you can market your business online is to use blog posts and ar cles. I decided I was going to do this and went on a mission to learn how to write ar cles. I spent hours researching the topic and then I put pen to paper and spent hours wri ng my first blog post and it took me 30 minutes to hit the publish bu on. Read More by Romany Thresher