Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 14

H E W LE T T - P A C K A RD Why Entrepreneurs need a Marketable Resume (Cv) So you have your own business—or you just launched your new company based on your fabulous service/idea/product. Congratulations!! Thinking you are now done with needing that resume that stressed you out every time you needed to send it to a company applying for a job. I thought the same thing when I launched Intelligent Placement last year, and I compile Marketable Resumes (Cv’s) as part of our services. A number of my clients over the past year have been entrepreneurs who have used their Marketable Resumes (Cv)for many purposes—and some I have discovered myself when pursuing specific initiatives. I thought that it would be appropriate to share a short list of purposes you will need a Marketable Resume (Cv) to assist you in proactively be ready to achieve you dreams/goals and targets 1. We guarantee that your Resume will Market you Mobile: 082 302 4580 Office: 021 856 5296 Fax: 086 551 7954 A possible clients want to see your background before they choose to business with you. 2. Business Proposals often require backgrounds of the business owners and/or key service players who will be executing service on behalf of your company as part of the presentation package. 3. Your Marketable Resume is the basis for your executive biography—which you need for your website, speaking engagements, marketing collateral and other branding initiatives. 4. Banks/Lenders ask for Marketable Resumes for each owner of the business as part of a loan package. 5. Prospective investors in your firm will want to know everything about you on a Marketable Resume (and more!) before they commit to investing in your organization. 6. Your Marketable Resume will be the foundation of all your social media profile content to help you establish your personal and company brand. For example, LinkedIn Profile, Facebook Page, Twitter account, Blog & Website Bio and other online user group and communities you belong to that will need a profile completed with your information. The message conveyed in these mediums will help you attract the kind of client/investor you are looking to engage. 7. If you are just starting your business, you may need to supplement your startup with some contract work to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. In conclusion your Marketable Resumes is, in essence, a personal marketing document promoting your individual brand and that of your company.