Xtraordinary Women Magazine October 2014 | Page 37

Is Change a Project for You?

When we hear the word change we often think…oh no! not again, been there done that. We hear all the time not to resist change, that we grow and learn from it and that is a good thing.

Then we start analysing our existing routines and comfort zones to establish why change is so difficult and it’s almost like change in itself becomes a major project we have to work on!

Well, what if change is silent, gently just slipping through our lives and before we know it, we find ourselves having shifted and moving on, without any analysing or hard work? This is possible – this is what happens when we are willing to live in acceptance and without questioning - simply just embrace the ups and downs of life.

My own Inner Harmony journey led me to this conclusion – that if I strive to detach from the drama and all my limiting beliefs and not judge what is happing on my journey, then it is almost like waking up one morning and realise “I have changed” “ I see the world different” “I have moved on”

Like a new awakening – because I was prepared to shift whatever happens into Harmony.

How does this journey work then? It starts by just embracing life – without judgement. Yes, you may still have difficulties, you may not understand what is happening in your life all the time but here is a truth : the minute your resistance crumble, s you step into accepting what is – this is embracing life.

What is the good that can happen if I swim with the current for a while? Simply by being in the current do you find that the blessings and learnings are received within your heart – as the current flows, so does the learnings.

It is at this point that we surpass complexity and move to simplicity. It is in the simple things that the major changes occur – changes that impacts us in all areas of our lives , subtle yet powerful.

We can retrain our mind, we can allow the mind and limiting beliefs to follow the path of the soul as your soul understands all of the above.

Yours in peace


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