Xsakto: The Cordilleras Vol 1 No 8 | Page 18

VOL. I NO. 8 November 17, 2013 18 Classifieds 19 FOR RENT TRANSIENT ROOM BAGUIO CITY BAGUIO CITY • TRANSIENTS...P 200/head • ROOMS Females only...P 3000 only Strong water, accessible rides & quiet. Come & visit to appreciate, along the road, overlooking #87 Silver St. Tacay, Quezon Hill 0916-266-8262 TRANSIENTS/LONG TERM FURNISHED • LEGARDA Europa, Bachelor’s Pad • QUEZON HILL 1BR: P4K/ 2BR: P6K • 2-STOREY BLDG. 6&7 BR Good for school, restaurant, call ceneter, residential or office Contact Anne @ 0916-621-8231 / 0920-556-9099 EMPLOYMENT U r g e n t ! Wa n t e d : ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Willing to work in San Fernando City, La Union Contact: 09053332080 ROOM FOR RENT ROOMonly, preferably FOR RENT Ladies Scout Barrio, 1-2 Ladies only. walking Distance to Camp John Hay 0906-472-6199 ROOMS FOR RENT / TRANSIENT / BEDSPACES ON DAILY / WEEKLY/ MONTHLY BASIS Fully furnished, with parking space, no water proble, WIFI connection, with hot and cold shower, near SLU & othe universities Located @ Leonila Hill B.C. 0999-849-4499 (074) 422-0738 students, city and services included, nice and quiet place, no water problem 0919-772-5992 FOR SALE SAMSUNG GALAXY 10.1 • With Sim Card • Android 3.1 • 7000 mAh Battery Contact : Yvette 09468177964 171 Orange Alley Purok 7 Brg y. Lower QM-GEFA Fo r i n q u i r i e s , c o nt a c t : Te l / Fa x : ( 0 7 4 ) 4 4 2 3 9 8 4 E - m a i l : s i g l at 0 1 @ y a h o o. c o m Nota Bene: Caveat Emptor w w w. x s a k t o . c o m