XL, l'house organ di OPES anno 2, n°1, gennaio 2020 | Page 31

ion: al PES 2020 began with the launch of two new European projects that will see the International Relations Department engaged on crucial issues such as volunteering in the sports world and the fight against discrimination through sport. These are the themes of “V as Value” and “A hat-trick for inclusion”, the two sports partnership projects that will see OPES take the field on the front line until June 2022. V as value: volunteering recognition as a Value Added at Local level for the Universal development and growth of sport in Europe The project stems from two fundamental assumptions that recognize the role of volunteering as a tool to encourage inclusion and sports practice as a means of transmitting fundamental values, helping to improve the mental and physical well- being of individuals. Starting from this awareness, OPES and its partners intend to test and experiment an educational sports program for sports clubs at local, regional and national level to improve their skills in attracting, training and coordinating volunteers and being able to recognize and enhance their work, in order to organize accessible and inclusive sporting events. The O project kick-off meeting was held in Ciampino (Rome) on 15 and 16 January, which started an intense phase of research on existing good practices. OPES will start from the work carried out at national level, through “Generatori” project, as a starting point for developing a model that can be applied at European level. The project will see the collaboration of 6 partners who will undertake to create an online training course based on a model that transcends national borders and from which all associations active in the sports field can benefit. A hat trick for inclusion: recognizing, preventing and contrasting hate speech for more inclusive sport With this project, OPES and its partners face a very topical issue linked to discrimination and hate speech that today have found new channels of propagation with social media. Unfortunately, the world of sport is not exempt from this phenomenon: insults, offenses, choirs addressed to athletes, referees, coaches and supporters of other teams are on the agenda and end up producing acts of violence. The actions of the “haters” have serious effects on those who suffer them, leading many to abandon sport, giving up the benefits that derive from it. The impact of this phenomenon cannot leave indifferent those who believe in sport as an instrument of growth and above all in the value of each individual. For this reason OPES has decided to enter the field with the aim of creating a training program that benefits from the contribution of methodologies from different sectors and promotes a new attitude among those who gravitate in the sports field: volunteers, coaches, teachers, athletes, referees or supporters. Video tutorials made at the end of the project will provide dynamic guidelines for sports associations. In the coming months OPES will send its members, and not only, an invitation to identify potential participants who will have the opportunity to take an active part in the development of the two projects, becoming responsible for their impact at local level. A busy year awaits us but we are ready to play the game with great motivation and determination, with the wish to enlarge our team more and more with those who share with us the passion for sport and the recognition of the values transmitted by it.