XiOX Magazine March 2021 second edition | Page 92


Xiox Magazine is a multimedia resource dedicated to promoting creative artists and their work worldwide . We accept submissions from emerging * photographers and their creative teams **, artists , musicians / bands , bloggers , creative writers , filmmakers , and fashion designers / brands . If accepted , your work may be featured on our website , in our magazine , or found on any of our social media accounts . All content submitted must be exclusive , unpublished , and accompanied by model release forms from the photographer for all models involved . NO EXCEPTIONS . For complete submission guidelines go to our website at www . xioxmagazine . com * Emerging artists are defined as individuals who are wholly committed to their crafts through never ending experimentation / learning and whom have developed a unique style or voice through the creation of numerous works which have been or will be published for the global creative arts community to consume . ** Xiox Magazine can only accept submissions from the photographer unless you have a letter from the photographer granting permission of image use or you have proof that you own the copyright to the images . TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS WE ACCEPT : EDITORIAL : Editorial submissions , whether fashion or beauty , must have a minimum of 6 different looks with appropriate crediting of products , designers , and brands . We do not accept “ stylist ’ s own ” as a credit , so be sure to submit the label or brand regardless if it belongs to the stylist or is a vintage piece . You can visit our mood boards available on our Pinterest account (@ xioxmagazine ) to see rough guidelines of the content we like should you need a little inspiration . WEBITORIAL : Webitorials are open to the current season in the USA only at this time . We accept submissions throughout the season between main issues and may be submitted for our online or social media content . All online based content submissions must meet the correct criteria and meet the same standards of quality that our main magazine issues are required to have . As long as they meet these guidelines , you may submit as many editorials as you would like . This does not , however , guarantee they will all be accepted and published . PRODUCT REVIEWS : If you are a cosmetic or hair company and would like to have your product featured in our showcase section , email information regarding the product and brand to us at xioxproductreview @ yahoo . com . SUBMISSION FORMAT When submitting final work we require that you follow the following format as well as provide the required information listed below : Photographers : Image Requirements : All images submitted must be submitted in a High Resolution format of 12x18 inches 300 DPI minimum and using CMYK standard . Final files submitted for publication must be in TIFF file format . All credits need to be appropriately typed , formatted , and emailed in a PDF document . Please include the images that the credits go with somewhere on the page of the corresponding credits so as to insure proper placement within the magazine . Credits to provide include , but are not limited to , photographers , makeup artists , hair stylists , wardrobe stylists , any and all assistants , retouchers , products , brands , models , and agencies involved with the project . If you have a TITLE for your editorial , please include that as well or you may request the magazine to name it for you per our discretion . In addition to all credits , please include a brief two sentence biography about yourself so we may feature you in our contributor ’ s page . Graphic Designers / Illustrators : Please either send us low resolution images or a link to your work for consideration . If you are chosen to be featured , you will be contacted for information regarding high resolution images .