XII Accountancy 1. Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation | Page 2

Financial statements of not-for-profit organizations mean that financial statements which are made by organizations whose aim is not to earn and distribute the profit . It means , these organizations do not involve in business activities but these organisations use all the surplus from their activities in achieving their Goal . Because , these organisations operate with the money of donation or sponsorship , so they have to keep accounts and show their financial results in the form of financial statements .
I am also operating many not-for-profit organisations whose aim is to do social welfare activities . Recently , I got some donation from my UK and Indian donors . So , I maintain my all Not-for-profit organizations ' account . I also make financial statements of my Not-for-profit organisations because any donor can check the uses of their money and my financial statements can clear his all doubts . If any Not-for-Profit Organization do not make financial statements , it means , its activists are cheating with donors ' donations and use donation money for personal benefits . If you are donor , then before donation , please check the financial statements of Not-for-profit Organisation from expert accountant . Only expert accountant or auditor can audit the financial statements and can bring many unknown loopholes .
Here , I am analysis to Big Not-for Profit Organisation ' s financial Statement Financial Statements 2017 of Wikipedia 1st Balance Sheet of Wikimedia Foundation , Inc .