By: Wendy Granados
Currently, children use several pages or online game platforms,
for example, FRIV or websites with a variety of games. But nothing
compared with Club Penguin, an island full of fun. There is a great
danger that children see contents that are harmful to their mental
health and cause them some kind of trauma.
A few years ago, Club Penguin been reborn on mobile devices as
Club Penguin Island, but many people prefer the original. It was a
great idea to create a new application about this topic and that
can be downloaded on mobiles through iOS or Android because
facilitates the use of this kind of browsers.
Kids will never know the wonderful experience that we,
teenagers, had by playing on Club Penguin. But there are new
platforms in which they can be learning bad habits, like those
videogames full of violence, murders, and fights. Teens bigger
than 15 years old will miss naming their puffle, changing their
outfits, seeing Club Penguin being update with every season, for
example Christmas and Halloween and more games appearing
each month.
Every in a while, we remember our childhood, and Club Penguin
belongs in those memories of ours. It makes us laugh every time
we look back on all those times when we were really enjoying this
game and it is incredible how at those times we all played that
game even though we thought that no one knew about it. Club
Penguin made our creativity increase and be social in a virtual
world. We found new friends when we talked about our anecdotes
in this browser.