The principal goods that are purchase abroad by Mexican homes are toys,
photo and video equipment, blenders, clothes dryers, televisions, clothing
accessories, suitcases, shoes, bedding and clothes. It is important to
recognize this because Mexico has some of these products in the market
and Mexicans, even if the dollar is very high, continue to buy in the United
According to the website of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), the interbank
dollar price on Friday May 11 the interbank dollar it was quote at 19.38
pesos; however, experts say that the price could continue to rise. The
price will continue to rise for the devaluation of the Mexican currency.
This will continue for the next few months the tensions created by the
renegotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the federal
electoral process could continue to affect the price of the dollar and this
will make it rise even more.
By: Wendy Granados