Xeriscape Newsletter November / December 2014 | Page 13

Living trees are usually purchased as containerized trees grown in pots or

as "balled and burlapped" (B&B) trees with a field-dug root ball bundled

in burlap or other fabric. Containerized trees are usually smaller and

target the “tabletop” Christmas tree market. Following use as Christmas trees, they are planted into the landscape.

Live Tree Tips:

1. The root ball or soil should be kept slightly damp but not

flooded. Wrap the root ball of a balled tree in plastic or place in a

tub while it is in the house.

2. Live trees may be decorated, but with care. If lights are

used, they must not give off any heat.

3. Do not remove the tree directly from a warm house out into

freezing temperatures. Instead, move to a sheltered area first for

several days.

4. If the ground is unfrozen, the tree may be replanted.

The spot to be dug should be mulched to prevent freezing.

Plant as soon as possible.

5. Do not remove the burlap and strapping (unless it

is plastic). This keeps the root ball solid and secure. In

the instance of a plastic cover, cut the cord and roll down

the plastic at least half way prior to planting. Tap the

tree container of a potted tree and remove prior to

planting. Do not attempt to remove soil

from the root system. Earth removed

from the original hole should be

back-filled around the root ball. Mulch

heavily over the top of the planted root

ball to prevent it from freezing. Water

only as needed; a flooded tree may not


6. Stake the trees to prevent the wind

from tipping or damaging them during

the first growing season.

7. Living trees are VERY heavy and bulky.

A six-foot-tall balled and burlapped tree

will weigh as much as 250 pounds.

We hope these tips are helpful and would love to see your pictures! Please post them on our Facebook Page www.Facebook.co/Xeriscapes. From all of us to all of you, Happy Holidays!