Xeriscape Newsletter July 2014 | Page 2

Renovation-style pruning applies horticulture principles that promote an aesthetic appearance of shrubs and groundcovers while using limited resources wisely. This style of pruning requires that shrubs not be pruned until after the plants have bloomed. The exception to this would be where plant material encroaches on sidewalks or obstructs views and poses a safety hazard. When the right plant is used in the right place during construction, those issues can be avoided. Shrubs are the biggest benefactor because they enjoy a healthier longer life and represent their intended design. In addition, people are able to enjoy the shrubs because they are allowed to bloom fully. And the reason we have plants is for our enjoyment, right?

It is important to know when and what to prune. The calendar below sheds more light on this.

At Xeriscapes Unlimited, we are proud to have many on our staff certified in Sustainable Landscape Management through the Arizona Landscape Contractors Association.

Renovation-Style Pruning