XCV95: ISSUE ONE: THE FIRST ONE xcv95 the first one issue 1 | Page 6
Let me take you back to 2002, I
was 7 years old. I had just
discovered the internet (no joke);
that’s when my parents decided
that it was time to get some (this
will be important info in a sec).
I was in my cousins car and I
noticed this red shiny cd case, I
looked down and it was
Eminem’s: The Eminem Show. I
asked my cousin if we could
listen to the album as I had never
heard it before. She turns back to
me and says I’m really sorry Cat
but your too young to listen to
this music. I, as a 7 year old was
in bewilderment as I did not
understand what she meant. I
thought to myself how can you
be too young to listen to music?
Especially as my cousin really
sculpted my music taste. She
always let me listen to all of her
stuff, from Backstreet Boys to
Ricky Martin, Usher and so much
Anyway, I kept persisting but
she wouldn’t budge so I
memorised his name and
when I got home I went onto
the family computer and typed
in Google ‘Eminem’. The first
thing that popped up was a
music video for ‘When I’m
Gone’ (not from Youtube, but
actually a site called
music.com). I looked around
to see if my parents were
watching me but they weren’t
in the lounge, so I got my
headphones plugged them
into the computer tower and
pressed play.
I watched the entire video and
I was completely amazed by
his lyricism, the beat, the
video as a whole. I didn’t
know what to expect when I
first pressed play but it was a
mind-blowing experience for 7
year old me.