XCV95: ISSUE ONE: THE FIRST ONE xcv95 the first one issue 1 | Page 26

Each song take you through journey of heartbreak, aspirations and falling in love. Volume 1 is a body work that you’d want to listen lying in your bed after a long day or driving solo around your area with the sound on full blast, whilst you sing your heart out and maybe cry a little. It’s the type of project that any body can relate to because the subjects are all thing us, as humans go through from dreaming big to finding love and hurting its all part of our journey. Although it’s a small project, it is an EP that has been well produced and wonderfully written. It’s the right direction into a successful career. Pink Sweat$ is managed by Thrice Cooked Media, a creative media company based in New York. This up and coming R&B and Soul artist has already made moves with over 2 million streams on Spotify, which is a great achievement for a very-new artist. He has amassed a loyal listening base as he continues to build up his solo career. When you hear Pink Sweat$, you know its him because his vocals are so unique and smooth. He is definitely not your typical R&B artist, he’s better.