XCV95: ISSUE ONE: THE FIRST ONE xcv95 the first one issue 1 | Page 20
Tale as old as time the iOS vs
Android debate has been going
for over a decade now. In 2007,
Apple revealed the game-
changing smartphone; The
iPhone and in October 2008 HTC
became the first phone brand to
take on Android. Although some
may argue that iOs and android
have a lot of similarities in
functionality there are also a lot
of difference between them. For
example Apple’s app store is a
lot more constraint to what
people can upload whereas the
Play Store anyone can upload
any type of app, similar to
Microsoft compared to the Apple
computers. The difference is
within its security, Apple are a lot
more secure with their
information compared to android.
Also every smartphone that isn’t
apple has a different version of
android, from android Oreo to
android pie etc.
When it comes to smartphones
there is no right or wrong
answer, both interfaces have
there pros and cons and it really
comes down to the customers
preference. The world of
smartphones has evolved so
much this the beginning that it’s
becoming harder to differentiate
between each brand and device.