XCV95: ISSUE ONE: THE FIRST ONE xcv95 the first one issue 1 | Page 2

EDITOR’S NOTES It’s taken me forever to finally sit down and take some time to do this. I once created a zine with a group of friends back at uni and always wanted to continue as I had so much fun doing it. The creative process is interesting and one that I enjoy going through. Although my writing isn’t the best and I am just one person, I never really double check my writing on the website as I just write the way I talk (as you can tell). This first issue is going to have a bit of everything from my first time hearing Eminem to streaming services and more. I have always had an interest in music, fashion and tech so why not put a small magazine that showcases that. Just so you know I will be trying to do this every 2-3 months but life sometimes gets in the way and I also run out of creative juices. So welcome to XCV95’s first issue of what I hope will be a fun zine to read.