Xander Jeanneret EPK 2014 | Page 15

YOUTUBE Xander has started an online XANDER ON THE INTERNET “Vlog” (Video blog) in which he is able to talk about things that interest him! In addition to his XANDERVLOGS “geeky” pastimes, Xander addresses issues in the entertainment industry, and also uses his channel as a platform for short-form comedy sketches and improv. He has showcased his dancing and singing ability, and currently focuses the project on living with his Japanese roommate. Xander’s vlogs have had a steady increase in viewership and subscribers, and allows him VCStv a way to connect to his evergrowing fanbase. In addition to his own channel, Xander recently was the host of an interenet music news show on Youtube, called “VCStv”. This show was based off of celebrity vocal coach Nick Cooper (Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Beyonce) and his company, the Vocal Corner Store. Several days a week, Xander would present the latest updates in music industry news. Xander has also appeared in sketches on popular comedy websites, such as Cracked.com and FunnyorDie.com. Xander is very interested in the internet as the future of entertainment, and is catch Xander at lo