XAMARIN Notes Xamarin Notes - Part 1 Set up the environment | Page 3

Chapter 1: Introduction I always worked as web or desktop developer using the .NET framework, C# language, but Angular was dominant in the front-end of some of the projects. In Tunisia, we talk always about the future of Mobile application development, but I wasn’t gifted to switch to another language, this is from a few years, but for my social project, I tried to build a sample using the Hybrid framework with AngularJS and Ionic, Cordova… But it wasn’t as easy as I thought. After, when Microsoft bought Xamarin in February 2016 following a strategy to be open and that their software will run everywhere not only Windows. Following the acquisition of Xamarin by Microsoft, there has been an increasing demand for professionals who can unite C# development with fully featured cross-platform mobile development tool able to share Business Logic and code to deliver fully native application, it hasn’t stopped evolving since 2011. So, Xamarin was a solution to start developing cross-platform apps, it gives you a smooth user interface with native output iOS, Android even UWP. With Xamarin.Forms, the user interface is dedicated to all three platforms using one framework that is XAML. It’s very interesting if we are able to release an app with the max code sharing for 3 platforms. This course aims to introduce Xamarin multi-platform development framework in my way of learning. Xamarin is well documented with free and paid resources, the best for me to start is Xamarin University. (https://developer.xamarin.com/) there’s no limit to the knowledge you can obtain. If we start learning Xamarin, we will find two approach development, the first one is to use Xamarin. Forms where you will build all in a Portable project using XAML and C# or using Xamarin. Android or Xamarin. iOS, in this case, we will use specific native environments like StoryBoard for iOS with C#. This is an overview about Xamarin: 3