this quarter
X2 Elite & Projects Member PK
Interfreight complete a massive
Hydropower Project from
Thailand to Laos
In the modern
world, going green
is of paramount
importance, and
nowhere is this
more visible than
in logistics, where
fossil fuels are
so heavily relied
on to move our
good from A to
B. Trucks, ships,
planes everything
we require to keep
our customers
happy has an
environmental cost attached to it.
That is why, when we have good
environmental news to share, we
must shout it from the roof tops
and credit the firms who are taking
positive action to reduce their
carbon footprint.
X2 Elite member PK Interfreight
are leading the charge here in
South East Asia and have recently
completed a shipment that will
reduce their carbon footprint for
years to come. The delivery of
350 tons that was done from
The Laem Chabang (LCB) port
to Nam Ngiep in Laos will ensure
clean renewable energy can be
generated for the foreseeable
future. The cargo included
stay rings, stay cones & its
accessories. The cargo had the