this quarter
Among the
many benefits
of having an X2
Membership is the Free
P.R & Marketing services
X2 offers all its members.
Not all companies have the
resources or the time to
spend on Marketing their
brand, which is why X2
makes it a point to
do it for them.
Apart from all the efforts X2 takes on a
number of social media channels, we also
write press releases for stories sent to us by our
members. Below are the few criteria we ask members
to fulfill while sending us a story:
1. 3-5 High Quality Images of the Shipment
(1024 x 768 pixels)
2. Details of the shipment (Size, Dimensions, challenges
faced, POL,POD etc. ) 150-300 words.
3. Quote / testimonial from the client (Optional)
In this section please find the members who saw their stories published
in multiple industry publications & magazines.
If you are interested in getting your story published, please send your
story to [email protected].
2017 Q2 Newsletter l Page 57