X2 Newsletter Corner 2017 ➨ Q3 X2 Newsletter | Page 16

A network is something that cannot be touched. A network is something than cannot be seen. A network is neither something or nothing. A network is different to each individual person that is a part of it, and holds a unique meaning within each company, within each branch, and within each member of staff. The concept is nothing new, and can be rolled out by anyone, but a network can never be replicated. There is a reason some networks thrive, some fade away, and some never make it off the ground. x2logisticsnetworks.com X2 has succeeded thus far due to many contributory factors. The right members, the right ethos, the right team, and an underlying drive to constantly take it to the next level. Each component to this success has worked in tandem with every other factor and created the beast that we know today. For some the beast is an integral part of day to day business, but for some it is barely looked at or thought about.