VIERNES 26 11:50 – 13:00 TALLERES PERLA 1 TAEST04 Notice or News? The game of the false cognates Roberto Miguel Pérez Gudiño, D. Fernando Manuel Peralta Castro y Phd. Pedro José Mayoral Valdivia Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras Universidad de Colima We all have ever fallen in the game of the false cognates. What is important to know is that the cognates are words which share meaning, spelling and pronunciation in two languages. While the false cognates are words similar in spelling or pronunciation but do not share the same meaning. This research was aimed to the constructivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and from the action research perspective. The research will come up with a list of some the uses of PowerPoint in teaching cognates and false cognates in English, as well as describing the effects of the program. VIERNES 26 11:50 – 13:00 TALLERES PERLA 2 TAEST08 Speaking through Reading Doris Lo-ruhama Arriaga Serrano y Mtra. Maribel Rubio Chiu Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras Universidad de Colima Speaking through reading is the proposal of a workshop derived from a research project. The attendants will do some of the exercises the students did on this intervention to ameliorate their speaking skills and to lose their fears of dialogue in front of a class or people with the help of literary texts. VIERNES 26 11:50 – 13:00 TALLERES PERLA 3 TAEST09 PLAY. LISTEN. SPEAK . Germán Vadillo Soltero y Maribel Rubio Chiu Facultad de Lenguas Extranjeras Universidad de Colima In English language teaching, oral production could mean a problem at its application if the student is not interested into the activity for oral participation in class. The objective of this workshop is to present an alternative to develop the oral practice through the discussion of social topics by using contemporary songs. The participants in the workshop are going to participate into a class where they will try out exercises such as listening and oral discussions according to social content. At the end, participants will create their own microteachings with speaking activities like the ones they experienced in the workshop