15:00-16:00 PLENARIA 2 GRAN DIAMANTE Rosalía Valero Creativity: light bulbs, sparks, flashes, and classrooms Rosalía Valero Cambridge English Language Assessment “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Albert Einstein The world is changing really quickly and that’s one of the main reasons why creativity is more important than ever. In education, creativity has been hailed as a 21 st century skill, but... Have a look at the list of creative sectors. What’s missing?  Advertising and marketing  Architecture  Crafts  Design: product, graphic and fashion design  Film, TV, video, radio and photography  IT, software and computer services  Publishing  Museums, galleries and libraries  Music, performing and visual arts If you said “Education”, you’re absolutely right! Isn’t education about shaping the minds and lives of the people who are creating our future? Let’s talk about light bulbs, sparks, flashes and our classrooms. Let’s talk about creativity. “There's no use trying,” Alice said: “one CAN'T believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven't had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an- hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” Rosalía Valero is Senior Assessment Services Manager – Americas at Cambridge English Language Assessment. She holds an MSc in Teaching English from the University of Aston, UK. Her main professional interests are Professional Development, the digital educator, ELT management, Lexicography, and Gender Issues.