x CCP_REVIT Full Combined CCPs | Page 379

Annotation Families c. Select the text box ‘Surplus No. of Parking Bays’ in its properties pallet click the ‘Add parameter’ button in the Visibility field. Apply the parameter Surplus. d. Select the text box ‘Deficit No. of Parking Bays’ in its properties pallet click the ‘Add parameter’ button in the Visibility field. Apply the parameter Deficit. We would like either Deficit No. of Parking Bays or Surplus No. of Parking Bays to show when we have a correlating result in the values. To do this we need to add a formula to the Deficit and Surplus Yes/No parameters. This will depend on the TPP and TPR values. a. In the formula column for the Surplus parameter insert TPP>TPR. b. In the formula column for the Deficit parameter insert TPP