Samantha de Mink
Head of Grade 8
The beginning of 2013 saw the arrival of an
enthusiastic group of Grade 8s, all of them proud to
wear their new Wynberg school uniform, despite being
small fish in a big sea again.
The annual weldom party, hosted by members of the
school council and matric leaders, set the tone for the
year - a tone of house spirit and belonging that has
prevailed throughout 2013. Further spirit-building was
established by a group of Grade 11s who made it their
leadership project to instil as much house and school
pride into the Grade 8s as possible. Its success can be
charted through the various mentions it received in the
Grade 8 Life Orientation autobiography projects later in
the year.
Although transition and change is difficult for anyone,
the Grade 8s have risen to the challenge and seized the
many opportun ]Y\