Wykeham Journal 2022 | Página 8



SIR RICHARD STAGG ( G , 1969-73 )

Welcome to the 2022 edition of the Wykeham Journal . This annual publication aims to give you a broad update on what is happening at Winchester , but also to put the spotlight on some of the issues and activities which make the school special .

Each year we invite someone with close connections to Winchester to be our Guest Editor . This year it is James Younger : we joined JP together in 1969 . He subsequently had ( and indeed has ) a distinguished career in the House of Lords and as a Government Minister .
I hope the themes he has chosen will be as resonant with others as they are with me . He starts with continuity , through the prism of his own family ’ s long association with the school ( his father was Warden ). For the Governing Body there are few more important goals than ensuring that we continue to protect the essence of Winchester and what makes it such a unique institution . Indeed , we have considered three papers on this subject in my time as Warden .
James also tells the stories of two very different individuals and the place of Winchester in their lives .
One focuses on resilience and brings out the challenges of being an atypical pupil at the school . For me , the broad message about the importance of personal resilience is more relevant than ever . The school rightly puts the safeguarding of the pupils in our care at the top of its priorities . But this must not be at the cost of their long-term ability to cope with the challenges and setbacks which we all have to face . Getting this balance right is very difficult , but also very important . THE SCHOOL RIGHTLY PUTS THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE PUPILS IN OUR CARE AT THE TOP OF ITS PRIORITIES . 3