Wykeham Journal 2021 | Page 39

RNAL 2021
hools , special schools and nursing omes , the Scouting movement , various vironmental bodies and local charities . we cover the whole spectrum , d that ' s ideal for our senior pupils , cause if they are inspired to spend o hours a week in an activity that plays their strengths , everybody benefits .’ She sees the principles behind the S programme as fulfilling the Founder ’ s sion for senior pupils at the school . ‘ Everybody ’ s giving wholeheartedly service , and thereby maintaining a ykehamical tradition ; it was part of illiam of Wykeham ’ s mission and one the key areas our pupils should develop ; pefully instilling a lifelong desire to rve others in their future lives .’
The broad-ranging activities at senior pupils undertake help to velop them in specific ways .
‘ Many are completely out of eir comfort zone , particularly when ey ’ re working alongside vulnerable ople . Our pupils are shocked itially by what they come across .
‘ One of the great attributes that ykehamists have is empathy and I think at ’ s an enviable quality , particularly r adolescent males . I am amazed by eir ability to get alongside an elderly rson with dementia or by their affinity r adults with learning difficulties .’