Headmaster’s Message:
of inspiring partners. Last October, thanks
to the generosity of the Bespolka family, the
Parents’ Events Committee and other donors,
who helped to match the Bespolka donation,
we opened an Outdoor Classroom in a truly
magical setting nestled amongst the trees by
the river and with Meads wall as a backdrop.
It is a tremendous resource. We have also witnessed
the popularity of the Cameron Bespolka Memorial
Wildlife Talks, which inspire young people to
connect with nature. Dr Tim Mackrill, a leading
expert on osprey migration talked to a packed
New Hall of over 470 young people about their
potential role in conservation.
The appetite for access extends beyond school-
age children. Perhaps nowhere can a love of
learning be more keenly witnessed than in the
tremendous success and growth of our Heritage
Open Days offering. Over just four days in
September we welcome a few thousand adults to
specialised tours, special behind-the-scenes access
to rehearsals and treasures, and to a programme
dr tim hands
of academic talks from world-renowned scholars.
All events are free. Staff volunteer their time
during weekends and evenings, pupils commit
Community Service hours to meet and greet the
public, and our in-house experts make available
archives, manuscripts and architectural gems.
It is a celebration of our rich history and the
response from visitors is tremendously positive.
Fittingly, the theme for 2020 is Hidden
Nature, giving us ample opportunity to
explore our stewardship of the water meadows,
River Itchen and surrounding countryside as
well as looking at the history of garden design
and the management of our grounds.
In keeping with the theme of nature, I am
delighted to announce that the 2020 Duncan
Louis Stewart lecture in Natural History will be
a school premier of David Attenborough’s latest
collaboration with Netflix; A Life on our Planet.
It will be introduced by co-producer Keith
Scholey and is very aptly being held on World
Earth Day, 22 April.
Life at Winchester is
defined by the overwhelming
feeling of being able to give
back to the community.
The Wykeham Journal 2019 7