Warden’s Report:
in his footsteps two hundred years later
(we are yet to see the poetic output!).
The ancient buildings, which form the
heart of the school, have inspired successive
generations of Wykehamists. We are developing
plans to ensure that we conserve and maintain
them to the highest possible standard. This is
essential — but not inexpensive.
The school is fortunate in being well
endowed. This does not, however, remove very
real financial pressures. Some of our costs are
inevitably going up — from safeguarding to IT.
We need to keep our accommodation up to date,
whether classrooms or boarding houses. And
there are new challenges down the track, ranging
from dons’ pensions to the threat of business rates.
The life of the mind is at the heart of a
Winchester education. Tim Hands is leading
a concerted effort to ensure that we are selecting
the right boys (through a new admissions policy),
providing them with top-class teaching, and
supporting them effectively as they move on to
university. Beyond this, Div remains a critical
s i r r i c h a r d s ta g g
component in Winchester’s approach to learning.
Representing 20% of the syllabus in the senior
school, Div is a unique opportunity to open
boys’ minds to new ways of thinking. It develops
intellectual suppleness and flexibility, an ability
to argue coherently and challenge orthodoxy, and
an openness to change and new ideas. What better
preparation for a world as unpredictable as our own?
Although the path ahead is not entirely
straightforward, I feel fortunate to be Warden
at a time when Winchester has so much to offer.
Much of my time will be devoted to carrying
forward the legacy I inherited. But I hope to see
the school develop in two areas over the next few
years: a stronger international strategy and a great
focus on the impact of technology on the world
of work. These will, I believe, help to prepare boys
leaving Winchester for life in an interconnected
and rapidly evolving global environment.
And all this is designed to ensure that a
Winchester education continues to be centred
around a harmonious marriage of intellect,
character and values.
One of the glories of the
school is its environment
— both natural and built.
We are committed to
protecting both.
The Wykeham Journal 2019 5