www.webroot.com/safe download webroot.com/safe download | Page 2

2. On this page the download file is already there and it will be downloaded automatically if you have a google chrome browser. If you are using internet explorer (blue E) then a it will show you a option to save in the bottom. You need to click on save. 3. Now it will show you another option to run you just need to click on run.If you do not find the download file , then you just need to press ctrl+j at the same time in order to open your download. 4. If you successfully run the download file then it will show you a box , where you can put your keycode.( Keycode is a 20 digit alphanumeric set which is on the back of your card) 5. Press agree and install 6. your computer will prompt and you need to click on “yes”. 7. Now you will get another box on your computer there you need to put your email and then click on start using secure anywhere on the downside. 8. Now you are done the webroot is now scanning your computer for the first time. Enjoy your superb light weight antivirus. How do you uninstall webroot from Windows 8?     In Windows XP click on the Start button and open the Control Panel, select "Add or Remove Programs", And then select the 'Webroot' security product from the list and click 'Remove'. Restart your computer after the uninstall is complete. Why Webroot? Always there for you Webroot customer support is available 24/7/365, with support teams and the Webroot SecurityLab working hand-in-hand at the same location. Independent tests prove that Webroot internet security solutions provide best attack detection rates for effectively combating Trojans, malware and even unknown viruses.