www-hydroponics-name Mar. 2015 | Page 7

1. Purpose built pots to sit the plants in. 2. Polystyrene Floater boards 3. Reservoir or tank to house the solution 4. Growing Medium A deep water culture system is pretty similar to a standard flood and drain system, a tank is filled with a premixed solution, the plants are sat in a pot with a medium for support and to absorb the solution.The pots are inserted into a polystyrene floater board which keeps the pot floating on the solution rather than sitting on a tray or gulley. Smaller growers would empty the tank manually periodically but larger growers would adapt the flood and drain system to automate the delivery and drainage system. An air pump is defiantly needed in this system as the roots tend to be totally submerged within the solution so will struggle for oxygen, as we will see later on oxygen is vital to all growth whether its hydro or soil based. Share this: Like 8 1 submit Share Tweet 3 4 UK Stoners and Ravers already have the know-how to beat the new UK Drug Driving tests.  admin  February 28, 2015  Drug Law So you may have heard in the news recently that the UK government has passed a new law that turns the drug driving laws on its head. Until recently if you were stopped by the police and suspected of drug driving then it was up to the police to prove… CONTINUE READING  Share this: Like 9 submit 1 Share 2 Tweet 1 Aeroponics  admin  May 10, 2012  Aeroponics converted by Web2PDFConvert.com