WWI - Objects Tell Stories | Page 15


So I was being made in a factory and then I was put in box with 499 of my other brothers and sisters, there was just a chorus of “hello! Hello! Hello” and  “My name is so and so.” It began to be annoying in 0.000000001 seconds. So I just cut off my ears, of which I have none. So I don’t even know how that happened, but I can’t feel pain which is good. Then came the fateful day where we fell out of the plane and I hit the ground, and nothing else. Just kidding I hit somebody’s friend Blly, and then this guy called out “BILLY.” Yay I hit my mark, then the guy that yelled Billy took me out of his heart and found a piece of string and tied it around his neck and that was the last of my story until the soldier came home and put me in a closet for like FOREVER. Then one day I was taken out of my box and hung around somebody's neck and taken to this thing called a “school.” I’d never heard of it till I heard the person who’s neck I was on talk about it. Apparently his name is Billy after his Great-Grandfather’s friend that I killed. I was showed to a lot of people in Billy’s class and most people didn’t even know what I was, WHICH IS CRAZY! I was SUPER important in WW!, because I can see the future, I know that Billy(not the kid, the guy in the war) was gonna start WWIII. By backstabbing his friend and and waving a flag of truce and getting to the other side and he would rise throught the ranks and nuke russia into oblivion. Then he would take over the world economy and crash it. Probably not, but maybe. Any way billy told his classmates about what I did and that his namesake story about how his great-grandfather took me home and that’s about it. The End