WW2 WW2 in Greece | Page 10

Heroic battles

9th March to 26th March 1941

he 17-day battle of Height

731 was one of the

bloodiest battles of the ww2. It was the greatest

assault of the Greek-Italian War.

The Italians were defeated. The

most spectacular is that the hill

after the battle was 5 meters

lower than before.In March 1941

the Italians launched a last

assault to break the Greek

resistance. This offensive known

as “Operation Springtime” was

planned to each detail and was

supervised by Mussolini

himself who arrived to Albania

on March2. For 17 days the

attacks on the Greek

position were repelled.

The strategic importance of

Height 731, stood at the center of

the Italian effort. The Italian plan

anticipated an offensive action

with a front of 6 km by the

General Gastone Gambara.

The primary assault was

launched by 3 infantry divisions

and 2 blacksuit battalions and

2 infantry divisions in reserve.

The Battle of Height 731

The secondary assault was launched by 3 infantry divisions and 2 more in reserve. There were also 15 battalions of Bersaglieri, Alpini and blacksuits at the General’s disposal. The Italians aimed at the breaking of the Greek defense line by the men of the Greek “1st Thessaly Infantry Division” at the area of 731 under Major General Vasilios Vrachnos, with 6 frontline battalions and 3 in reserve. The 1st Infantry Division during the 17-day battle for 731 was named “THE IRON DIVISION”