WW2 WW2 in Greece | Page 15

Song heroic and mourning for the lost second Lieutenant of the Albanian campaign

(Odysseus Elytis)

Now the dream beat faster on the blood

The world’s rightest moment rings out:


Greeks show the way in the darkness:


For you the sun will weep with joy

Rainbow-struck shores fall into the waters

Ships with open sails glide through the meadows

The most innocent girls

Run naked before men’s eyes

And modesty cries out from behind the hedge:


Boys! There is no other earth more beautiful…

The world’s rightest moment rings out

With morning step on growing grass

He keeps on ascending;

Now, desires once lost in the solitude

Of sin gleam around him;

Neighbors of his heart desires flame up;

Birds greet him, he feels them as brothers

Men calls him, he feels them as comrades…

“Birds my good birds, life begins here”

Hoarfrost of heavenly beauty shines in his hair

Crystal bells in the distance…

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow:

The Easter of God!

Recites the student : George Palaskas