Use livestock profits for farm improvements
attle prices are at an
all-time high and are
expected to remain high for
two to three more years. The
additional income generated
by these prices will likely result
in greater taxes. However,
if this income is reinvested
in your operation, you can
save taxes and increase longterm business productivity.
Purchasing equipment often
reduces taxes; however, making
agronomic improvements can
be a greater value.
Agronomic investments can help manage taxes,
while also improving soil health, forage production,
and farm productivity.
Improve soil health
Agronomic investments can help manage
taxes, while also improving soil health,
forage production, and farm productivity.
Since pasture soil is often neglected, use
the surplus income to improve soil, thus
improving pastureland yields. Begin by
collecting soil samples and having them
analyzed by a qualified laboratory. Soil
testing is available at no cost to West
Virginia residents through the WVU
Soil Testing Laboratory. Remember, to
take soil samples from each boundary in
the field or the results will be meaningless.
Use the soil test results to purchase
lime, fertilizer, and/or seed in 2014
for application this fall or next spring.
Interpreting soil test
Interpreting soil test results and deciding
which products to purchase in order to
meet recommendations can sometimes
be difficult. The WVU Extension
Service has a number of fact sheets and
calculation tools available to assist with
the management of soil fertility. Visit to learn more.
the fall and winter months and can
be stockpiled under tarps for spring
application. Also, consider prepaying for
conventional fertilizers before the end of
the year and taking delivery next spring.
Lime applications are best applied during
fall months to allow the lime to react
as it is moves into the soil from winter
precipitation. Changes in soil pH as
a result of liming impact soil nutrient
availability so establish a regular soil
sampling routine to maintain economic
efficiency. These pasture fertility
amendments typically provide benefits
for a three- to five-year period.
Plant legumes
Frost seeding pastures with legume