Young Farmer and Rancher Update
In July , I traveled to Washington , DC for legislative training by the American Farm Bureau Federation . My five days inside the Beltway were capped off by a visit to Capitol Hill to speak with some of West Virginia ’ s
Susan Wilkins , YF & R Vice-chair
agriculture . First , the Department of Labor ’ s rules on child farm labor . Second , the EPA ’ s Guidance Document on what “ navigable waters ” are under the Clean Water Act . And third , the 2013 Farm Bill .
The Farm Bureau employs some tremendously dedicated people on the state and national levels who are daily monitoring personal stories . They must put an actual face and name with who the policies they are debating will affect .
While a face to face meeting is certainly the most effective way to get your message across to our lawmakers , I know that it is simply not possible for all of us to make personal trips to Washington , DC or Charleston . But I encourage
lawmakers . It was certainly an eye-opening experience and definitely one that I hope to repeat in the future . As young farmers , I will admit that we are often too lackadaisical about taking a stance on political issues and standing up for ourselves . But folks , it is our future . In the past six months , three major issues have emerged that have the potential to severely impact our livelihoods in
the legislative happenings that will directly impact us on the farm . Staff and organization leaders regularly visit with our lawmakers and fight to maintain our farming rights and keep our operations viable . But after my visit to Capitol Hill , I realized that this is not enough . We as young farmers must fight too . We have to make our own voices heard . Our lawmakers need to hear our
you to take a stand by emailing your lawmakers when important issues come up . Take advantage of your representatives ’ mobile offices when they are in your area and meet with a staffer . Pick up the telephone and make some calls over your lunch time .
Together , we can all make a difference . Our futures as young farmers depend on it .
West Virginia Farm Bureau News 19