Summer science experiment a success
Making science one of the coolest classes at camp was the mission of the WVU STEM Ambassadors , a new WVU Extension Service-led program providing West Virginia youths with hands-on science , technology , engineering , and math ( STEM ) projects this summer .
The STEM Ambassadors are a group of 12 WVU students majoring in related science fields . They received training in camping , youth development , and techniques designed to engage and inspire youths to become more interested in science fields . After training , the Ambassadors were sent to 4-H camps , the Eberly Science Camp , Camp Dawson ( Military Families Camp ), and the State Fair of West Virginia .
The STEM Ambassador camp course syllabus included hands-on classes such as bubble-ology ( the chemistry and physics of bubbles ), bridge building , robotics , forensic science , “ I want to be a veterinarian ,” and ag-in-a-bag . And while the topics made learning fun , the summer statistics were powerful :
• More than 300 days of STEM programming
• 1,500 hours of direct STEM teaching for K-12 youths
• 20 counties receiving STEM programming
• 14,000 youths engaged in STEM-related activities
• 12 WVU students trained to deliver STEM education to state youths
A compelling outcome for the Ambassadors was their ability to promote their WVU college and field of study to youths across West Virginia , and to encourage them to earn a college degree in a STEM field .
Farrah El-Khatib , an exercise physiology major from Hurricane , said the Ambassadors program helped
4-H campers enjoy hands-on STEM projects .
her to deliver new opportunities to kids who might not otherwise be exposed to STEM education .
Debbie McDonald , WVU Extension Service 4-H program leader , said having college students deliver the STEM education had amazing results and impact on campers .
“ Our campers enjoy having a connection to a college student ,” McDonald said . “ They like to hear about what classes they should take and what it ’ s like to be on campus . These students are more than ambassadors ; they ’ re role models and mentors for the youths they serve .”
Ambassadors also gained life and teaching skills , including public speaking , improvising , working with children , and teaching new and sometimes unfamiliar information .
WVU Extension Service STEM Specialist John Kessel developed the Ambassador program and spearheaded collaborations among WVU Extension Service ; Benjamin M . Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources ; Davis College of Agriculture , Natural Resources and Design ; Eberly College of Arts and Sciences ; and the WVU Health Sciences Center .
By Cassie Waugh , Program Coordinator , Office of Communications , and Ann Berry , Associate Director , WVU Extension Service
WVU Update
The West Virginia University Extension Service and the WVU Davis College of Agriculture , Natural Resources , and Design are pleased to offer this educational insert to the Farm Bureau NEWS as a service to West Virginians . Check our websites s for more news ( www . ext . wvu . edu and www . caf . wvu . edu ). Joyce Bower , Editor Greg Jacobs , Graphic Designer Meg Baughman , Creative Director Editorial Planning Committee : Louise Donato , Joan Harman , Lewis Jett , John Murray , Ed Rayburn , Ben Spong , David Welsh , and Jennifer Williams
Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race , color , sex , disability , religion , age , veteran status , political beliefs , sexual orientation , national origin , and marital or family status .
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work , Acts of May 8 and June 30 , 1914 , in cooperation with the U . S . Department of Agriculture . Director , Cooperative Extension Service , West Virginia University .
Trade or brand names used in this publication are for educational purposes only . The use of such product names does not imply endorsement by the WVU Extension Service to the exclusion of other products that may be equally suitable .
West Virginia University is governed by the West Virginia University Board of Governors and the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission .
Masthead Photo Credit : www . flickr . com / photos / lobstar / 890828552 /
iv / Fall 2012
Insert Provided by WVU Extension Service and Davis College of Ag ., Natural Resources , and Design
16 West Virginia Farm Bureau News