Hardman Bids Adieu to Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab
Helen Hardman retired from West Virginia Farm
Bureau as the Coordinator of the Mobile Agriculture
Education Science Lab on May 31. WVFB staff held
a luncheon in her honor and presented her with a
beautiful handmade mantel clock to commemorate
her time with Farm Bureau.
The Mobile Agriculture Education Science Lab
has visited all but seven counties throughout the state
of West Virginia. This program would not have been
possible without cooperation from the West Virginia
Farm Bureau president, board of directors and
administration. Thank you for your encouragement
and support in building the Lab.
As her final farewell, Helen writes:
“What a great educational program,” is one
consistent comment I heard upon leaving schools
which had completed a week with the West Virginia
Farm Bureau Mobile Ag Ed Science Lab. And
a second question I always heard as we prepared
to leave was, “Will you please put us back on the
rotation schedule so that we can have you back?”
12 West Virginia Farm Bureau News
Many county Farm Bureau directors and members
visited the Lab and worked to secure funding for
schools, along with conservation districts, local
businesses and others. Thank you all so much! The
initial contributors to the Mobile Ag Lab had only
a vision and a handshake when they each donated
$5,000 toward the purchase of the unit. Their
names were displayed on the outside of the Lab as a
thank-you for their support of agriculture education.