Something to Think About
Don Michael, WVFB Director of Governmental Affairs
Last month got off with
a great start as my two
sons and I made a quick
trip to the Great American
Ballpark in Cincinnati to
watch the Reds upend the
Phillies. It was Family Day
and quite refreshing to see
the family structure alive
and well within the confines
of the ballpark. One of the first food vendors
serving our section had a large “United Dairy
Farmers” promo on his carrier, which caused me
to smile with agricultural
pride, and to reflect on the
family structure that thrives
within the confines of the
agriculture community
– a community that is
responsible for producing
productive, principled
citizens as well as food to
feed this nation and much of
the world.
Breakfast Group for their active involvement
and am reminded of a quote from Margaret
Mead, noted American cultural anthropologist
and featured writer/speaker in the 60’s and 70’s,
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has.” Perhaps you are
a member of an assembly such as the Mountaineer
Breakfast Group? Let us know so we can share
your story.
Shifting to the political front, the
Environmental Protection Agency and U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers’
proposed rule regarding the
definition of “Waters of the
U.S.” and West Virginia’s
“Aboveground Storage Tank
Act” continue to be the hot
topics in state agriculture
circles. In fact, I don’t
attend a meeting of any kind,
agriculture or not, where
the topics don’t arise. In all
cases great concern is echoed
about unintended consequences. In most cases
the question is asked, “Where has common sense
gone?” Merriam-Webster defines common sense
as “the ability to think and behave in a reasonable
way and to make good decisions.” Perhaps
common sense in government circles should be
placed on the “endangered” list before it becomes
Perhaps common sense
in government circles
should be placed on the
‘endangered’ list before
it becomes extinct!
On Friday the 13th I enjoyed a meal and great
fellowship with the Mountaineer Breakfast Group,
who meet the second Friday of each month at
Parkersburg’s Mountaineer Restaurant. The
assembly was championed by Don and Toni
Fleming of Wood County as a support group for
Senator Donna Boley (R-Pleasants). But it has
evolved into so much more – providing a monthly
forum for ideas; updates on the local, state and
national levels; and a wonderful opportunity to
meet with decision-makers “up close so you can
look them in the eyes,” as Don Fleming would
say. This gathering of twenty-five to thirty-five
friends with a common bond (love of state and
country) includes Democrats, Republicans and
Independents; public servants from both major
political parties and all levels of government, with
regular participation from Congressional staffers
and WV’s Attorney General’s Office; Constitution
Advocates and Farm Bureau members from six or
more counties; etc. I commend the Mountaineer
Common sense was shining bright as West
Virginia’s Agricultural Education profession –
active and retired agriculture teachers, staff and
spouses – met at Canaan Valley for a refreshing
summer retreat. Details will be forthcoming
next month. One side note – The Legislature’s
Agriculture and Rural Development Committee
will feature Agricultural Education during their
August interim study at Bridgeport. Until next
time, KEEP SMILING FRIENDS, God bless you
and your loved ones, and God bless America.
West Virginia Farm Bureau News 5