WV Farm Bureau Magazine January 2015 | Page 19

level. If cuts are necessary, they should occur at the administrative level. 60. WVU DAVIS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES AND DESIGN Our College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design and the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station are suffering from a lack of state financial support to the extent that the buildings and farms cannot be maintained in even a reasonable state of repair. West Virginia’s state support compared to federal funding is one of the lowest in the nation. Our College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design must have support of at least one dollar for each dollar of federal funding and research, and teaching must be a top priority. West Virginia Farm Bureau supports continuation of necessary master’s and doctoral programs in the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design. We support a policy that total revenue received from disposal of any real estate owned by West Virginia University and being used or administered by the College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design, or the Agricultural Experiment Station shall go into the capital improvement fund, the research fund and/or scholarship endowment fund of the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design . We support alternative routes to the West Run bypass to ensure that WVU Agricultural Research and Educational facilities remain in close proximity to the WVU Davis College of Agricultural, Natural Resources and Design campus. 61. WVU DAVIS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES AND DESIGN LAND DEVELOPMENT Agriculture has a large economic impact on the state of West Virginia. The WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design provides vital research and development to support the agricultural industry in our state. West Virginia Farm Bureau supports legislation providing that no land currently managed by the WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design be sold, developed or constructed upon without the faculty and administration of the WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design having the opportunity to fully deliberate and approve the plans to insure that those plans do not have a negative impact on educational programs and opportunities for students. 62. FUNDING OF WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY West Virginia University is a flagship of higher learning in the State of West Virginia. During recent years of budget cuts, West Virginia University has been under-funded when compared to other state institutions of higher education. West Virginia Farm Bureau supports the Governor and the Legislature in making every effort to restore funds to our flagship institution so that we may once again be competitive with surrounding land grant institutions in regards to professors’ salaries and research funding. The education of our children depends on it. 63. WVU ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS West Virginia Farm Bureau is gravely concerned by the exorbitant administrative costs per student at West Virginia University. We recommend that the president of West Virginia University initiate action to reduce administrative costs. Farm Bureau supports the development of regional University campuses that offer four-year degrees. 64. POTOMAC STATE AGRICULTURAL PROGRAMS West Virginia Farm Bureau recommends the continuation of the Agricultural programs of Potomac State College. Farm Bureau opposes the sale of the lower farm. We also recommend extending the agricultural programs to include alternative types of agriculture. 65. FARMERS ON WV HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY COMMISSION Agriculture is a highly technical and managerial business that positively affects the income of West Virginia. West Virginia Farm Bureau petitions the Governor of West Virginia to appoint and maintain a farmer on the WV Higher Education Policy Commission. 66. SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE The School of Osteopathic Medicine emphasizes training doctors in family practice. West Virginia Farm West Virginia Farm Bureau News 19