No commercial litter may be transported or spread
within one (1) mile of a primary poultry stock breeder
site unless the litter meets all four of the following
• All litter shall be properly composted or dry
stacked at least thirty (30) days
• All litter shall be tested and certified by the
WVDA to be free of salmonella, mycoplasma
and avian influenza prior to movement
• All litter being transported off the premises of
origin shall have a certification accompanying
the load
• All litter used for soil amendments must be
spread according to best management practices
to reduce the chances of a breach in biosecurity of other agricultural enterprises
If this policy is not acceptable to the primary
breeder, we recommend the primary breeder pay the
difference in cost between commercial fertilizer and
litter to the farmers within the restricted area who are
incurring extra expense due to this policy
Farmers have often faced criminal charges
for animals getting loose outside of the farmer’s
knowledge or control. A clear set of standards and/
or legislation needs to be established which addresses
any civil or criminal liability relative to loose farm
animals, to ensure that farmers are protected from
criminal charges when animals escape confinement
(fences, buildings, etc.) through no fault of the owner.
West Virginia Farm Bureau supports the
development of loose animal standards through the
Livestock Care Standards Board and/or the West
Virginia Legislature.
6 West Virginia Farm Bureau News
Livestock owners are required by law to have
various tests completed on certain livestock
before transportation a